With working retail during Christmas, it was pretty easy to forget all about this project site of mine. Since my last post I went and got my Linux+ and Security+ certifications. Scored better on each than I expected I would, and certainly better than I felt like I was going to score while taking them. They get you all stressed out then make you take a survey before seeing your score, it’s enough to give a guy a heart attack!
Now I guess it’s time to fix up the resume (currently not happy with it and wouldn’t want to send it out to anyone) as well as add my new certifications and then try to get my first job in IT. I’m pretty excited and getting the certifications has really made me hungry to get more. I still plan on getting my Network+ and after that and when I have a little more practical experience in the field, my Pentest+ and hopefully I will head back to school again and get a bachelor’s degree so I can have a more rewarding career in the long run.
Oh, also graduated from college since I last posted. Nice!